Fr. Richard Sparks

43rd Annual Cardinal Newman Lecture

October 7, 2023
10:00 a.m. – 12:30

Creative Tensions in 2023 America: Three Related, Yet Distinct Theological Trends

Across three 30-minute sessions, Dr. Sparks will present the creative dialogue and tension between three distinct, but related sets of current theological themes/trends:
1.“Pay Back” vs. “Pay It Forward” Views of Redemption
2. Seeking Fact-based Truths vs. “Tell It Like It Is” (Good Ole Days)
3.Love & Life as Gift vs. Earn, Deserve, Merit & Measure Up
God’s Actions Human Achievement
This will be an introduction and overview (i.e., accessible to most) of three competing trends with some signposts as to the way forward. Each talk will be approximately ½ hour, with a 15-20 minute ‘break’ between each of the three segments. It should be a leisurely morning.

Guest Presenter: Fr. Richard Sparks, CSP, Ph.D.

Fr. Richard Sparks is a Paulist priest. He currently is semi-retired in
Vero Beach, FL. He has a Ph.D. in Ethics from The Catholic University of America. He is a friend of the Rock Hill Oratory & the Center for Spirituality, having made several presentations in the past.

Pre-registration is required to receive the link for this on-line presentation.

The event is finished.


Oct 07 2023


10:00 am - 12:30 pm
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