Friday evening: Introductions and Looking at how racism intersects with our lives
Saturday 9:30 – 11:00 am: Small group sharing of life/race intersection
11:15 am – 12:30 pm: The church is not a white church
2:00 – 3:00 pm: Is the church a white racist institution?
3:00 – 3:30 pm: So what?

This program will be presented on-line via Zoom. Please provide an email address so the invitation and link can be sent to you.

Sr. Mary Priniski. OP & Matthew Cressler This will be an opportunity to look at some difficult but timely topics. In these sessions we will examine both personal and institutional responses to those located on what Pope Francis calls “the peripheries”. We will address both the historic and current realities in the U.S., with particular focus on the South. Sister Mary Priniski is an Adrian Dominican currently serving as Project Coordinator for Gathering for Mission in the Aquinas Center of the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. She has a Masters in Health Care Mission and a doctorate in Missiology and has served in various social justice ministries throughout her ministerial life, including several years in Rock Hill. Matthew Cressler is an Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at the College of Charleston. His teaching and research areas include African American religions, Catholic studies, and religion in America, with a specialization in Black Catholic history. His website is www.matthewjcressler.com.

Cost: No charge, but donations accepted.

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Nov 06 - 07 2020


7:00 am - 3:30 pm
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