Sensing the Divine / How We Know God
Sensing the Divine: Vatican II and Sacramental Renewal
How We Know God: Vatican II on Revelation, Scripture, and Tradition
A combined program in our Vatican II Series
Saturday, November 19 9:30-11:30 a.m. Suggested Donation: $25
Peter Judge The document that profoundly impacted the way we understand how God is known to us
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Sensing the Divine: Vatican II and Sacramental Renewal Joseph A. Favazza The Council’s vision of sacrament as an invitation to become the creation we were made to be
Pre-registration is required to receive the link for this on-line presentation.
REGISTRATION: Oratory website: www.rockhilloratory.org Go to Center for Spirituality / Events OR By email to oratorycenter@gmail.com with Sensing the Divine in the subject line
PAYMENT: By check or by credit card at http://www.rockhilloratory.org/Donation/Center for Spirituality
On-line participants payment by credit card should be made through the website.