July 11-14


This year’s Summer Bible Institute will be available in person and on-line. When registering, please indicate the chosen option. Email Us for Registration >


New Testament
Mornings 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Tim Carmody

Dr. Tim Carmody Our Father/Our Bread: The Lord’s Prayer in the Gospel of Matthew
The Our Father is THE prayer of Christians. The problem is that we know it so well and say it so often that we fail to allow it to challenge and transform us. We will study it in its context of the Sermon on the Mount and Matthew’s Gospel; the structure of the prayer; and its emphasis on forgiveness.

DR. TIMOTHY CARMODY Professor Emeritus of Theology at Spring Hill College, Mobile, Alabama, is a graduate of The Catholic University of America and a long-time member of the Catholic Biblical Association. In 2018 he was awarded a CCD/CBA Grant by the USCCB for developing and teaching Biblical courses in the Deacon Formation Program for the Diocese of Jackson, MS. His book, Reading the Bible (Paulist Press 2004), is a well-used textbook in college courses and Bible study groups.

Old Testament
Evenings 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Alice Camille
Alice CamilleMore Shiny Bits of Scripture
We’ll take an episodic crusade through intriguing biblical themes that seldom get enough attention in homilies, Bible study, or personal meditations on Scripture. Let’s consider what Scripture has to say about ANIMALS: how other species on this earth participate in large and small ways in the story of salvation. We’ll reflect on the spiritual problem (and grace) of DIMINISHMENT and the aging process. We’ll take a look at CRIMINALS, from Cain through Barabbas. We’ll ponder the meaning of HOME, and what it means to be perpetual spiritual sojourners in the pattern of biblical players.

ALICE CAMILLE is a noted author, catechist and speaker.


$100 per course (OT or NT) * $175/both courses * $25/individual session

Room & Board:

$50/night * Meals included: Monday breakfast – Friday breakfast Please note: There are a limited number of overnight accommodations available. Email Us for Registration >

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Jul 11 - 14 2022


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