An Advent Retreat Day – Jesus’ Family Tree
Jesus’ Family Tree
God’s Big Fat Crazy Messed Up Family
An Advent Retreat on the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 1
Saturday, December 4, 2021 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Have you ever wondered why the Gospel of Matthew begins with a long list of funny sounding names like Hezron, Boaz and Jehoshaphat? Did you know that Jesus’ family includes kings, queens, patriarchs as well as villains and prostitutes? Did you ever wonder why Matthew puts all of the dirty laundry right in the beginning of the gospel?
This Advent retreat will consider a close look at how God’s family mirrors most of our families and deals with the good and the bad, the warts and the wrinkles. We are reminded that while we are all fallen, broken and hurting, we are all given the gift of redemption and salvation.
Fr. William C. Mills is the rector of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church in Charlotte, NC. He has a Ph.D in Pastoral Theology from the Union Institute and University in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is the author of numerous books on the Bible, prayer and Christian spirituality, including A 30 Day Retreat: A Personal Guide to Spiritual Renewal (Paulist Press) and most recently a memoir titled, Losing My Religion: A Memoir of Faith and Finding (Resource Books).
Suggested Donation: $20